Destiny Women’s Ministry
Friday, March 14th 6:30pm Meeting in the Sanctuary
For more info:

NOTE: Please check out our calendar for specific dates.
Destiny Core Values
Love – we love because He first loved us and because we love, we serve well.
Community – we value connection, vulnerability, and doing life together.
Honor – we respect and honor all, not based on behavior, but on their Christ given identity.
Creativity – we are creative like our Father.
Joy – we are joyful because we’re fully forgiven and accepted as God’s daughters, not defined by our past.
Advancing God’s kingdom – we equip and empower women to bring God’s kingdom to their families, work, and everyday life.
We invite you to enter into a Holy Spirit-Filled community! A place where you will be encouraged,
challenged, and given room to grow in your covenant relationship with God and the women around you.
Our Vision:
* Cultivating environment where you can encounter God in His fullness
* Encouraging you to draw closer to the heart of God and grow closer to the women around you
* Inspiring new connections and strengthening your friendships with women around you.